Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can Taking Rephresh Help With A Bladder Infection Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Question?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Question? - can taking rephresh help with a bladder infection

Has anyone ever completely got rid of VB ... No antibiotics, etc? I refuse to take more antibiotics because they never stick to the good bacteria, only the elimination of all bacteria work completely. So now I'm RepHresh Pro-B, only the good bacteria that helps me feel better when I'm using, not again, but use it if they do not come back anyway. Pro B RepHresh also very expensive, so I know I can not for a month either to buy. (A 30 $ / 30 tablets .... yes). And yet, not sold in stores, so now I'm online to buy and pay for the postage, too! I do not know.
I would not be bound to an array of pills all my life, but I can not shake it.
I eat yogurtt with live cultures, but lead a normal life, without depending on any of these things? Has anyone to be healed to 100% of BV?


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